Asphalt Shingle Recycling 

Waste Commission of Scott County implemented the first asphalt shingle recycling program in the state of Iowa in 2004. Since its inception, the Commission has diverted nearly 120 million pounds of shingles from the Scott Area Landfill. 

Here’s how the program works:

  • Loads of clean asphalt shingles (shingles, felt paper, and nails ONLY) receive reduced disposal costs. Roofers and contractors must provide an address where the shingles are from and meet all guidelines to receive the reduced tipping fee. 
  • The Scott Area Landfill tests the asphalt shingles for asbestos before grinding.
  • Ground shingles are sold to hot/warm mix asphalt companies.
  • Hot/warm mix asphalt companies incorporate a percentage of ground, recycled asphalt shingles into their processes.
  • This mixture of virgin and recycled asphalt is used to pave roads throughout Iowa!
  • Contact the Scott Area Landfill, or 563-381-1300 for more information.
  • Click here for landfill disposal fees

A note about asbestos testing: In some specific situations, asbestos testing is required. A roof from a residential structure with four or more exterior doors, or any roof from a business structure must be tested for asbestos before the material may be ground for recycling. 


For more information, and for details about the required testing and program, contact Brian Seals, Landfill Operations Manager, at (563) 381-1300 or