Waste Commission of Scott County is a 28E, inter-governmental agency that was established in 1972 and reorganized in 1990. Our members include 17 communities and Scott County. The Commission, headquartered in Buffalo, Iowa, has planned, sited, built and operates:
Scott Area Landfill, a synthetically lined Subtitle D landfill that includes leachate collection, recirculation and methane recovery.
Scott Area Recycling Center, the sorting and processing facility for all residential recyclables collected in Scott County and beyond.
Household Hazardous Material Facility, serving residents in both Scott County, Iowa and Rock Island County, Illinois as well as businesses that generate a limited amount of hazardous material.
Electronics Recovery Center the first public facility of its kind in Iowa, recovers, demanufactures, processes, recycles, and refurbishes electronic waste (e-waste) from residents and businesses in eastern Iowa and western Illinois.
iLivehere: myhome ourcommunity® our environmental outreach program providing cleanup supplies, loaning event recycling containers, and coordinating the MAKE it YOURS adoption program.
These programs are solely supported by tipping fees, the fees charged for materials brought to our facilities.