Go All In: Rethink Recycling
Pitch In: Make Our Quad Cities Beautiful
Plug In: Reboot E-Waste
Bring In: Be Safe about Hazardous Waste
Haul In: Using the Scott Area Landfill

How do I Dispose of...

Collection Calendar

Bettendorf and Davenport residents enter your address below.

The QC Recycling Quest!


Rechargeable and lithium batteries from power tools and electronics on white background

Keep batteries out of garbage & recycling carts

Help prevent fires at recycling centers and landfills! Keep lithium and rechargeable batteries out of your garbage and recycling carts, and drop them off for proper disposal instead.

Holiday Recycling Guide for Website edited spacing

2024 Holiday Recycling Guide

‘Tis the Season to Recycle Right! Our Holiday Recycling Guide will help you know how to dispose of items this season.

GO ALL IN Recyclable material scaled

Recycle Right!

While technology has changed the way the Waste Commission sorts recyclables, what can be recycled curbside remains the same. Keep reading to learn how you can Recycle Right!

electronics that are gently used

Electronics Reuse Gives New Life

Electronics Recovery Center’s reuse program gives electronics a new life. Buy our refurbished electronics on eBay or at Habitat ReStore.

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Recycling Right at Home and at Work

When we “Go All In” and recycle at home and at work, we conserve energy, save landfill space, and make our community a cleaner and more beautiful place. The Scott Area Recycling Center receives and processes recyclables from Scott County communities and beyond. 

Rethink recycling

the landfill

Haul It In: Using the Scott Area Landfill

Since 1996, our state-of-the art landfill has served Scott County. The landfill handles municipal solid waste, construction and demolition material, and provides programs to recycle asphalt shingles, scrap metal, and tires. It also protects ground water and recovers methane for energy conservation

How to use the Scott Area Landfill

Landfill Compactor with Flowers  scaled
Staff wearing yellow high-vis sweatshirt unload audio equipment from trunk red SUV
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Plug In: Reboot and Recycle Electronics

At home and at work, electronic waste can be recycled. The Waste Commission’s Electronics Recovery Center accepts cell phones, computers, monitors, copy machines and more. We also shred hard drives for data security and serve Quad City businesses large and small.

How to recycle e-waste at home

Recycling e-waste for business

Shop our Electronic Reuse eBay Store

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Bring It In: Household and Business Hazardous Waste

Chemicals, cleaners, pesticides, paint and other hazardous waste can pollute our air and drinking water. The Waste Commission operates the Household Hazardous Waste program and assists businesses who generate small quantities of hazardous waste.

Household Hazardous Waste

Business solutions for hazardous waste

ERC HHM Facility Photos
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Pitch In for a Greener and Cleaner Quad Cities

Keep our stretch of the Mississippi beautiful. We offer anti-litter programs to adopt streets, beautify our green spaces, and support local clean-ups.  Our iLiveHere and MAKE it YOURS! programs partner with individuals, businesses, and local groups to beautify our community.

How you can keep the Quad Cities beautiful

Business Solutions

Go Green at Work: Business Solutions for QC Employers

From electronics, to small amounts of hazardous waste, we provide programs and consulting services to manage your business’ waste management and recycling needs.

Learn more about our commitment to business waste solutions

White van with Waste Commission logo parked in front of cream metal building